Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today I am making a cucumber gazpacho, a loaf of bread, some salad dressing...i think that is about it. I need to start spreading out and getting some more clients, which means I need to start marketing myself. I have been on the practice course for a few weeks and am ready to move onto the main course, so to speak. This involves working on some business cards, actually coming up with a name, making a full website...all exciting things, right?

So I need some help with names. When I was thinking of starting a pie business, I was going to name it "Pi" and use the symbol, which I am sure has been used, because there is no way that I am the first person to think of that. But now I am doing a much wider range of things, so I am not sure if just the word Pi would be a good choice. My FAVORITE word in the world is Tangerine. I just love the way it sounds. Say it with me, tangerine. Taaan-jah-reeeeeeeeen. Awesome sauce, right? So things that fly around my head are things like Tangerine Pi, but that might still be too niche sounding, right? Maybe not. Tangerine. Maybe just Tangerine?

Things I don't want in the name: Alexandria (where I live), Modern, Cuisine, Simple, Fancy, Upscale, Home, Cook...and probably a gazillion more.

The name is the first thing I need, right? Once that happens, the rest kind of falls into place and follows. Cards, site, marketing...

So throw me some random words, my peeps!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rough Week!

Actually, rough two weeks, but back on track. Sick dog, on the mend now, so was a little slow on the updating. Will be back on schedule soon!

BUT to prove that things are afoot, here are pictures of my seedlings, which will be planted in our newly expanded garden soon, which will mean...YUMMY SPRING AND SUMMER FOOD!

Squash and Cukes, and maybe some Okra


You say you want the full list? Oh boy. Here it is:

TOMATOES (in Rainbow-ish order)
Ace Bush
Sugar Cherry
Old Virginia
Chadwick Cherry
Caspian Pink
Pink Accordion
Henderson's Pink Ponderosa
Violet Jasper
Orange Fleshed Purple Smudge
Illini Gold
Big White Pink Stripes
Big Rainbow
Orange and Green Zebra
Hssiao His Hung Shih
Egg Yolk
Huge Lemon Oxheart
Green Sausage
Green Doctors
Grandma Olivers Green
Great White
White Tomesol
Ivory Pear
Ananas Noire
Tsungshigo Chinese
Purple Calabash
Purple Robeson
Black Cherry
Prudens Purple
Sara Black

Sweet Pepper Mix (which I kind of hate, not knowing what is happening)
Purple Pepper
Asti Rosso Red
Golden CA
Orange Sweet
Ozark Red
Chocolate Habenaro
Purple Jalepano
Jamaican Hot Chocolate (which are probably the same as the choc habs)
Hot Pepper Random Mix (see above, re: hating)


Yellow Summer
Black Beauty
Golden Scallop
Grey Zucchini
Ronde de Nice
Squash Tondo Scuro di Piacenza
Random Mix

Reg Cuke
Lemon Cuke
White Cuke
Crystal Apple Cuke
Mexican Sour Gherkin

Banana Melon

Japanese White Egg
Lao Green Stripe
Black Champion
Purple Stripe

FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!!!! I have a few other things I am considering (radishes and beets go directly into the ground, and I prob could have held off on the squash and cukes for a few more weeks, but was getting antsy!)

Garden eating is healthy eating is fun eating!